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Good day, Beautiful Women of Wisdom; it is all about you, it is all about me, it is about God.

Celebrate today because we have someone other than ourselves to trust in to have hope in; we celebrate life! Because of our Lord and Saviour, we can rejoice, shout, and live. Life is good; when we look back, current and into our future, we can smile and know that we are loved, powerful, capable, and beautiful. Knowing the Lord personally causes Joy, and Joy is constant no matter what happens in our lives. Happiness is great, but it is an emotion that comes and goes just like any other emotion; oh, but Joy brings a smile to our faces and warms our souls. How can we live with Joy in a world filled with so much suffering? I believe that our hope and faith allow us to live a life filled with Joy, knowing that He is with us.

Knowing that He not only hears our spoken and unspoken prayers but that Our Lord and Saviour is faithful to His daughters.

I love you, MiMi .

PSALM 16:11

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

1 Chronicles 16:26–27

“For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.”

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Good day, Beautiful Women of Wisdom; it is all about you and us, and most certainly, it is all about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the...


Good day, Beautiful Women of Wisdom; it is all about you and us, and most certainly, it is all about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the...


Good day, Beautiful Women of Wisdom; it is all about you and us, and most certainly, it is all about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the...


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